When are the 2023 HSK test dates in Brisbane and how to prepare for the HSK exam in 2023?
Now you can take HSK tests at the University of Queensland (UQ) and Griffith University. They published the 2023 HSK exam dates.
2023 HSK dates at UQ
- March 18 (HSK), Saturday, registration close on 18 February.
- May 14 (HSK, HSKK), Sunday, registration close on 14 April.
- August 20 (HSK), Sunday, registration closes on 20 July
- December 3 (HSK, HSKK), Sunday, registration close on 3 November
At this stage, only the 18 March test is confirmed. The other three dates will be confirmed later. If you want to sit for the HSK exam, please enrol and pay one month before the exam date.
For more details, please contact UQ directly.
2023 HSK Dates at Griffith University
Griffith University now published the HSK Exam dates on its website.

Please visit their website for details.
YCT Test Dates:
Griffith University also offers YCT (Young Chinese Test) on the below dates.

If you want to know more about YCT Test, please read: What is the YCT and Should the Kids Take It? (languagetutor.com.au)
How to prepare for the HSK exam?
- Have a plan: make a reasonable plan based on your current level and the hours you can spend on HSK study. For each HSK level, you may need different hours. For example, you need 30 hours of study to pass HSK1 and HSK2.
- Choose a proper course: To save your time and money, find a high-reputation tutor to help you. A cheap hourly rate may not be the best option. You also need to choose from online or in-person classes; private or small group classes. We found different people may have different choices. Here is more about a class or private tutoring.
- Follow the instruction: We use the best textbook for our HSK preparation courses. We encourage our students to focus on the textbook and help them improve their learning skills. If you follow our instructions, we can guarantee you pass HSK1 after you completed the HSK1 course.
How can we help?
- Free consultation: Contact us to have a free consultation to help you make a study plan and choose a proper course.
- Take your choice: You choose from an online or in-person, private or small group class. Please visit HSK preparation classes for more information.
- HSK exam advice: We give you HSK mock exams and help you improve your weakness. We also teach you technics to pass the HSK exam. Many students find our advice very useful and valuable. If you have learnt Chinese already and just want to sit for the HSK exam, you can join our 1.5- Hours HSK preparation private tutoring.
What do you need to do?
You can now book our online three-hour private lessons and pay by credit card.