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Why offer language training to your employees?

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Language Training - Chinese & Japanese

With unemployment falling below 4%, many companies try very hard to attract and retain employees. While most companies offer bonuses, holidays, gift vouchers and many other spendable things, why should you offer language training to your employees?

The reason is simple: you don’t want employees chasing monetary benefits between different companies, you want to attract and retain employees who are looking for meaning in the workplace and improve skills both professionally and personally.

Language training is the choice.

Here are three reasons:

1. Language training improves teamwork and builds company loyalty:

Unlike bonuses, holidays and gift vouchers, language training put all the team together and learns together; unlike other company training, language training is not directly related to daily business so it gives the team time to relax and diversify. Language training also involves team members practising the newly learnt language during their daily work. This is especially important if your company has overseas customers, suppliers or colleagues. According to Entrepreneur, 70% of employees are more confident in work and relationships after successfully completing language training.

Fulfilled employees build up good teams and good teams build better company loyalty. Language training is a long process, it doesn’t finish in a workshop or training course, it carries on with your life and enables you to make new friends. The research found people can communicate better for some difficult topics using a foreign language they learnt. In our Chinese language training, we often hear people ask each other in Chinese about age, family members and other things which normally you don’t ask in English. Language training makes team members bind together.

2. Language training boosts confidence and brings more success:

Many research has proved that language training can boost employees’ confidence, we also noticed this in our Chinese and Japanese training. Learning a foreign language is not easy and needs continuous practice. However, once you learnt a new word, new sentence or new grammar, you immediately enjoy that achievement. Our Chinese and Japanese training program uses the SPIN method and ensures your employees can learn step by step with confidence.

Confident employees are more likely to be successful in business negotiation and other daily tasks. Confidence is a great productivity and performance booster.

3. Language training brings satisfied customers

Being able to speak your customers’ language is a very important factor to win and keep your customers. China is still Australia’s biggest trading partner and Japan is an important partner in Asia. Even if you don’t have customers in China and Japan, there are so many Chinese and Japanese people living in Australia now. They are good potential clients for many businesses.

Even though you don’t use Chinese or Japanese language skills in your daily work, language training will open a new window of the world, so you can view things from a different angle.

A psychology study indicated that the language we speak affects the way we think. After good language training, you will be more open-minded and patient. Happy employees bring happier customers.

On top of the benefits for employees, language training also has seven cognitive advantages for personal benefit. Read our blog: Language benefits (

You can boost your employees’ productivity with our Japanese & Chinese language training and get a 120% tax deduction as announced “Skills and Training Boost” in the Federal Budget 2022.